For more than 5,000 years, Neem in English or as they say Nimbarka in Sanskrit has always occupied an important place in the world of medicine.

Neem paste, powder and juice

Be it our own Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Chinese or today’s modern Allopathy, Neem has always come across as a saviour of sorts while dealing with various ailments, in treating deadly diseases, virals and also as an antibiotic, antiseptic!

The therapeutic properties of Neem are unique as all parts of the tree be it flowers, bark, stem, twigs, seeds, leaves are extensively used in the preparation of medicines, toothpastes, mosquito repellents, soaps, shampoos and other cosmetics.

Even today, a neem tree is considered as a ‘village pharmacy’ for its unparalleled healing properties. Horticulturists advice planting neem trees extensively in parks, apartment compounds and in open areas to keep several allergies, infections at a bay and this tree requires very little water to grow.  Also Read: Neem Leaf Powser: Incredible Benefits For Skin, Hair And Overall Health

Top 5 Benefits of Neem:


Each and every derivative of neem from leaves, stem, bark to seeds is a powerhouse of natural antibacterial properties. Consuming neem in the form of tonics, tablets boosts immune system and protects the overall health. The paste of tender neem leaves mixed with turmeric cures toughest of the skin diseases.

For Skin and Hair:

Neem has become an important component in soaps, shampoos and other skin care products. It helps the scalp to remain hydrated for longer hours and in eliminating dandruff. It stimulates the growth of new hair follicles and in widely recommended in treating alopecia.

Prevents Chronic Conditions:

Several researches have proved the presence of high levels of antioxidants in neem leaves aid in avoiding certain types of cancer. These antioxidant properties in neem effectively tackle free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism.

Chewing on tender, fresh neem leaves or taking supplements indicate a positive correlation in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes Control:

Neem is a wonder herb for those suffering from diabetes. The chemical components present in this super herb optimize the function of insulin receptor and ensure that body gets enough amounts of insulin. A regular intake of neem will also reduce the dependency on insulin among the patients suffering from type-1 diabetes.

Oral Health:

Tender neem sticks were perhaps the first toothbrushes used by the mankind. The strong antibacterial properties available in neem fight against the bacteria lying under the gums which cause peridontal issues and bad breath. Neem has now become a quintessential ingredient in tooth pastes, mouthwashes and even on toothbrushes!