Menopause symptoms start around mid-40 and reproductive capability diminishes. A natural process, most women reach menopause after the age of 45, when the body stops producing estrogen and progesterone. As a result, women experience a number of side-effects like fatigue and hot flashes. The good news is that certain foods can help to supplement these hormones, and combat the side effects.

Woman had pain during menopause

Some of the common effects of menopause are irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, mood swing and anxiety due to decreased supply of the hormone estrogen. Also menopausal women, experiences low sex drive and vaginal dryness from hormonal imbalance and androgen deficiency. Weight gain is another sign of changing hormones levels during menopause. Hair loss and thinning of hair, caused by estrogen deficiency, and can also disrupt a woman's urinary cycle. Menopause also poses a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases, dementia and osteoporosis. There are several natural remedies to relieve the effects of menopause-

  • Soya to relieve hot flashes
  • Mint to battle intra-uterine contractions
  • Organic fruits and vegetables for dietary fiber to manage appetite, and antioxidants to slow the aging process, and phytosterols to balance hormones
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and kale naturally help to balance estrogen levels
  • Fiber is important for cardiovascular, digestive health, and healthy weight
  • Omega-3 fats to protect heart and promote smooth skin and also helps prevent weight gain
  • Probiotic foods to raising immune function and protecting cognitive functioning
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily to help replace fluid lost from hot flashes and to decrease bloating
  • Avoid packaged foods, high intake of sugar, refined oils and fried foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol and caffeine.