Myopia is also referred to as nearsightedness and is a common eye defect that is typified by being able to see objects nearby quite normally but facing difficulties in viewing objects that are further away.

The main cause of this condition is the improper shape of the various segments in the eye. When the eyeball is of a length greater than usual, or the cornea – the film shielding the eye on the outer side – is curved to a much greater extent than normal, the rays of light scattered from distant items into the eye are not focused in the right manner. This results in the image of the artefact being formed in front of the retina – the light-sensitiveMyopia layer of the eye, rather than on the retina itself.

People who have parents or relatives with a history of myopic issues are predisposed to contracting the disorder. It ideally begins in childhood and progresses up to adolescence, eventually plateauing off into a permanent eye defect.

Myopia is usually not life-threatening. A regular eye test to detect the extent of curvature in the eye, followed by corrective contact lenses or eyeglasses recommended by an optometrist will help in improving clarity in vision and reducing blurs in the line of sight.

Symptoms Of Myopia:

Usually, a myopic patient exhibits only challenges in focusing on farther objects.  However, some additional consequences of this imperfection in vision are:

  • Headaches
  • Squint
  • Eyestrain
  • Eye fatigue when attempting to view distant objects
  • Blinking more often than usual
  • Rubbing the eyes to view things that are farther away more clearly

Diagnosis And Treatment:

The optometrist or ophthalmologist – a doctor or surgeon who is specially trained in treating eye ailments, performs an eye exam on the patient. Difficulty in reading sentences or interpreting hand gestures from a further distance implies that the person has a myopic vision.

The treatment, depending on the severity and convenience of the individual, is usually corrective glasses or contacts. The prescribed lenses help to focus light on the retina, enhancing visual accuracy.

Refractive surgery is an advanced option for the affected individual, as this can help to permanently rid the patient of myopic vision, such that he or she does not need to wear glasses or contacts again. Some common surgical procedures to correct for myopia are laser surgery known as LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) and photorefractive surgery.