The earthen smell of soil, with the refreshing spell of rains, is certainly an enjoyable experience nowadays, being a welcome relief and bringing much-needed respite from the blazing summer heat. But alas, apart from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the monsoon season has arrived as well. Which means that the nagging cold, hoarse cough, stuffy nose, sore throat and other periodic illnesses are back, becoming rather unavoidable for most, if not all of us. Also Read: Did You Just Cough Or Sneeze? Here’s How To Tell The Difference Between COVID-19 And Allergies

Of course, you are aware of all the instant therapies galore, thanks to the era of the internet and information. But amidst all the modern, quick-fix solutions of sipping some tepid decaffeinated teas and popping in a few mentholated lozenges, there lie some age-old home remedies formulated by our wise ancestors, to completely cure the seasonal flu.

Traditional Therapeutic Recipes From Your Grandmother’s Cookbook:

Two such time-tested recipes are of a warm drink of panakarkandu paal i.e. palm sugar candy milk laced with black pepper, and a piping hot cup of sukku malli kaapi, which is dried ginger and coriander black coffee. Packed with an array of organic sweeteners, wholesome dairy produce and piquant spices that supply key nutrients, these beverages immensely bolster immunity, improve disease-fighting potential and remarkably alleviate all forms of fever, infections and colds. Also Read: Kadha: Brew These Traditional Concoctions Right Now, To Boost Immunity And Fight Infections

The last time you had these ameliorating potions, was probably when you visited your grandparents one weekend months ago, or during summer vacations way back in school right? Well, while traveling in present times, especially to go and see family elders, is quite challenging and not recommended, to halt spread of coronavirus infection, you can surely prep these uplifting brews yourself in a jiffy. So here, we bring you simple, nourishing and delightful recipes of panakarkandu paal and sukku malli kaapi. These are sure to bring back nostalgic memories of visits to grandpa and grandma’s place, as well as effectively heal all the annoying symptoms of flu, fever and cold.

Panakarkandu Paal

Panakarkandu paal


2 cups milk

1 ½ tbsp panakarkandu/palm sugar candy

½ tsp black pepper powder

¾ tsp elaichi

A pinch of turmeric powder


Boil milk in a vessel on medium flame.

Add panakarkandu, stir for 2 minutes, then transfer the black pepper powder, elaichi powder and turmeric powder.

Let it simmer for 5 minutes, so the flavours can blend in.

Switch off the stove, filter the panakarkandu paal and serve hot after lunch or dinner.


Panakarkandu or palm sugar candy is one of the healthiest substitutes for refined white sugar, infusing a rich sweet taste. It comprises vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vital minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, copper, besides antioxidants such as polyphenols and anthocyanins. These significantly regulate metabolism, combat cough, cold and other diseases, strengthen bones, promote red blood cell synthesis, mend instances of anemia and enrich skin, hair wellness. Bestowed with proteins, milk augments growth, development of organs, tissues in the system and elaichi or cardamom, being rich in potassium, is beneficial to maintain normal blood pressure and improve heart health.

Sukku Malli Kaapi

sukku malli kaapi


2 cups water

3 tsp sukku or dried ginger powder

1 tsp malli, kothamalli or coriander seeds, crushed

2 tsp honey


In a pot, heat water on medium flame.

Put in the sukku and malli powders, along with the honey and mix well.

Cook for 5 minutes until all ingredients dissolve entirely.

Strain this sukku malli coffee using a filter and have it hot any time of day or night.


Sukku or dried ginger holds intrinsic medicinal traits, abounding in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, to efficiently relieve nasal congestion, besides facilitating smooth digestion and elevating immune functions. The alkaloid phytonutrients in coriander seeds, powder hold hepatoprotective qualities, to uplift liver health and honey is a natural remedy for rectifying allergies, sore throat, regulating bowel movements and treating gut problems.