Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of The Nation is a true inspiration for teaching the importance of ‘ahimsa’ or non-violence while fighting for civil rights. Mahatma led the nation towards independence in the freedom struggle against British rule, laying emphasis on self-sustainability and equality among all the citizens, irrespective of religion, caste and creed.

Happy Gandhi Jayanthi - 2nd October

Today, we are celebrating the 152nd birthday of Mahatma also fondly known as Bapu. Born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in the year 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat and a lawyer by profession, he led his life guided by the principles of truth and simplicity. However, it was not just law, politics and the crusade for India's freedom for which Gandhiji is renowned. His ideas on diet and health, documented in his book titled, ‘The Moral Basis Of Vegetarianism’, based on his health practices, is still one of the widely read and best-sellers across the globe. We bring you interesting excerpts from the book for leading a healthy life.
Also Read: 10 Amazing Health Tips And Home Remedies, As Told By Mahatma

Useful Health Tips From The Food And Eating Practices Of Mahatma Gandhi:

1. Monitor Salt Intake

In the book, Gandhiji mentions that he was advised by his doctors to add a measured amount of salt to his diet on a daily basis.

Understanding the significance of salt as an essential electrolyte for vital body functions, yet wary of its ill effects on blood pressure when consumed in excess, Gandhiji strictly regulated the quantity of salt added to his meals, to a mere 30 grains per day.

2. Simple Vegetarian Diet

Gandhiji at first wanted to avoid all possible animal produce in his diet, including dairy, as it contradicted with his beliefs in leading a peaceful coexistence with nature. However, he also realised that milk products largely contribute to the body's daily requirement of calcium and proteins, crucial for stronger bones and developed muscles. Therefore, throughout his adulthood, Gandhiji followed a rigorous vegetarian diet plan, consuming three simple meals a day a few hours apart.

3. No Processed Foods

Interestingly, Gandhiji was quite calorie-conscious and always avoided eating deep-fried items. In fact, he highlighted the harmful effects of trans fats and Vanaspati in ghee towards excessive body weight and heart health. He advised all his followers to consume simple home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients and insisted on an organic vegetarian diet.

4. Fasting In Moderation

Almost a century ago, Gandhiji understood the importance of detoxifying the body and bloodstream after heavy meals, by occasionally consuming only fruits and water, so as to allow the system to get rid of any toxic wastes remaining in the body while staying sufficiently hydrated.
Also Read: 5 Toxic Habits To Let Go And Free Yourself

5. Reduce Sugar Consumption

Gandhiji did develop an occasional sweet tooth and had a weakness for yummy mangoes in summers, which he couldn't resist. However, on other days of the year, he was extremely cautious as to not ingest too much sugar in food items as well as in the form of sweets. He was aware of the integral role sugars played in regulating energy, digestion and hormonal balance in the body and advised people to also control their sugar intake.

6. Eat Local Produce

A basic diet tip strongly advocated by Gandhiji was consuming locally grown foods. Long before sustainable eating became a major trend, Gandhi realised the importance of people buying and eating more of indigenous produce harvested in India, for the livelihood and sustenance of native farmers, as well as the overall health of people. He recommended including home-grown cereals and millets of rice, ragi, bajra, wheat, jowar, besides seasonal fruits, vegetables, as part of the daily diet for optimal wellbeing.

7. Practise Portion Control

Mahatma Gandhi believed in primarily eating meals for health and survival and even publicly stated that “Food should be taken as a matter of duty - even as a medicine - to sustain the body, never for the satisfaction of the palate.” He understood the harmful effects on health, of frequently giving in to indulgence and ingesting unhealthy, oily, sugary junk and fast foods. He advised adopting a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, but no component in excess, to promote metabolism, digestion, immunity.

Additional Health Tips:

Choose Unpolished Over Polished

Much before the advent of modern diet forms, Bapu understood that there was a severe loss of nutrition when the bran of wheat was removed. People who consume whole-wheat flour ground in their own chakkis not only saved their money but also their health. He was a strong believer in eating unpolished grains as he acknowledged that white and polished grains lost all their nutrition during de-husking.

Add Milk And Ghee

Being a staunch vegan, though, many of Gandhiji’s food experiments had no place for milk and ghee being animal products, yet he could not turn away from the innumerable health benefits. Gandhiji was a rational person and he recognized the value of adding milk and milk products like ghee, curd, butter, etc., to a vegetarian diet because the animal protein included in milk is one of the most effortlessly digestible sources of protein.

Intake Of Unfired Food

Apart from the numerous diet tips, Gandhiji also underwent several experiments eating uncooked food for days together. While he did concede that eating raw food caused some weakness occasionally, but if they are paired with milk and a dollop of ghee, it is a tremendous way to purify and strengthen the body.  According to Bapu, raw or unfired food, was food in its purest form, devoid of any nutrient loss which made it even healthier. He also advocated the intake of raw salads, sprouts, chutneys or pastes of several fruits and vegetables that not only conferred good health and a calm mind but also made for an affordable meal.


The bottom line, as advised by Mahatma is all about following a simple, balanced diet loaded with proteins, fibres, essential vitamins and minerals along with regular exercise and steering clear of injurious habits like drinking and smoking, for improving the overall quality of life.