Left ventricular dysfunction refers to the condition characterized by dilation of the left ventricle of the heart. It is also associated with the narrowing of blood vessels.

The main function of the left ventricle is to pump the oxygen-rich blood to all body parts. Hence, any medical problem that interferes with the pumping of blood by heart poses the risk of developing left ventricular dysfunction. Some of these are aortic stenosis, presence of blood clot in lungs, congenital heart disease, diabetes, etc.

Males in the age group of 50-70 years are more likely to develop left ventricular dysfunction. Males are more prone to the condition than females.

Mostly, left ventricular dysfunction does not have any symptoms. Sometimes, affected individuals exhibit symptoms of heart failure.

Left ventricular dysfunction


  • Fatigue and pain
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Reduced stamina of body
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • increased heartbeat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sudden weight gain


Since left ventricular failure mostly leads to congestive heart failure, the treatment strategies aim at improving the survival of affected person by maintaining heart rate within normal, restoring the normal cardiac size and controlling hypertension.

In the case if the medications and drug therapy are not respomding, surgical treatments are advised. Depending on the underlying causes of the condition, the surgical methods may include device implants or even heart transplant.