Gastric banding surgery is a procedure for treating obesity. The procedure constricts the stomach, which makes the person consume very less food than usual.

Lap Band Surgery includes positioning of an inflatable silicone band around the upper part of stomach. This is done to slow down and reduce the amount of food taken by person during single meal.

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How Does It Work

The individual is put on liquid diet for about two weeks so as to reduce the size of intestine. Surgery includes laparoscopic procedure where a band is placed in the upper portion of the stomach and tube is attached to the band which is accessible through a port under the skin of stomach.

Surgeons inject saline solution via the port into the band to inflate it. The band makes a small stomach pouch which reduces the amount of food held in the intestine at one time. This gives an increases sense of satiety and feeling of fullness even after eating less food and reduces the overall food intake.

One advantage of bariatric surgery is that all food consumed is digested and absorbed properly and no malabsorption.

Diet Post Surgery

Individuals with Lap band are recommended to have small meals slowly and add more liquid in their diet. Small frequent foods with proper chewing also improves the digestion. Use of adjustable and removal band are some of the major advantages of the process. It is one of the weight loss methods with no diet plans, reduced surgical pains and is recommended for obese people with BMI over 35, and people with obesity related conditions like diabetes and hypertension.


Lap band surgery is associated with complications which reduce the success rate of the procedure. Most of the individuals with Lap band surgery develop nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Dislocation of band from placed position leads to severe pain and needs its immediate removal. Band erosion and inadequate weight loss are some of the other complications.