Hormones are like messengers that play a key role in regulating your appetite, weight, and mood. They have intense effects on your mental, physical and emotional health. The endocrine glands secrete the right amount of each hormone required for several processes in your body.

Hormone Balancing Foods

Although imbalances in hormones are increasing with today’s fast-paced lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet are cornerstones that help you in boosting your hormonal health and keep you at good health.

Generally, symptoms of hormonal imbalance are experienced during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum and premenopausal and menopause.

Symptoms include-fatigue, frequent headaches, excess hair growth in unwanted areas, acne breakouts, changes in body temperature, feeling irritable, weight gain, depression, irregular cycle, mood swings and fatigue.

Food is a quintessential means that are beneficial in handling hormone imbalances, let’s explore some of the best hormone balancing foods.

Foods High In Omega 3 Fats

Essential fatty foods are one of the most important components to maintain hormone balance. Hormones are synthesized by cholesterol, if your diet is low in fat, hormone production may hamper and especially the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Include a good amount of healthy fats such as – flaxseeds, chia seeds, salmon, herring and mackerel.

Protein Rich Foods

Protein-rich foods are essential in maintaining all the important bodily functions. Dietary protein provides essential amino acids that the body can’t make and must be consumed every day to maintain health. Protein influence the release of hormones that control appetite and food intake. Further on, lack of amino acids lysine and tryptophan decreases the levels of neurotransmitters that lead to nervousness, anxiety, depression and sleeping problems. Feeling stressed causes an imbalance of female hormones.

Good sources of protein foods include- milk and milk products, egg, lean meat, fish, lentils and legumes.

Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium, selenium, zinc, and iron are the minerals needed to produce neurotransmitters and hormones. Magnesium is also known as anti-stress mineral that has a calming effect on your body. It relaxes the muscles and nerves, thereby improving sleep, lowering the effects of stress and promoting hormonal balance.

Good sources of magnesium foods include- leafy green vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B Rich Foods

Vitamin B rich foods are essential in maintaining the emotional and mental well-being. Stress and depression lead to increasing demands for B vitamins. Alcohol, use of contraceptive pills, nicotine and excess consumption of caffeine are some of the factors that lead to B vitamin deficiency.

Common symptoms are anxiety, depression, irritability, and heightened PMS. So, add on a good amount of vitamin B rich foods such as milk and milk products, eggs, shellfish and lean meat to maintain your hormonal balance.

Anti-inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is the chief contributor for many diseases especially cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia and diabetes. Inflammation can also cause hormonal imbalance, due to unhealthy food habits, blood sugar spikes, food allergies, parasites and toxins. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, fatty foods, nuts, and vegetables can be beneficial in maintaining the hormonal balance.