Diabetes is a serious and complex condition which can affect the entire body. It is also known as diabetes mellitus and is metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes occurs due to the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin to fight the high glucose levels, called Type1. Or the cells fail to respond normally to insulin and is called insulin resistance- Type2 

How to identify Diabetes?

Diabetes requires daily self-medication and if complications develop, diabetes can have a significant impact on quality of life and can reduce life expectancy. While there is currently no cure for diabetes, you can live a normal life by learning about the condition and effectively managing it : 

Early Warning Signs Of Diabetes 

1.Extreme Fatigue: 

Even after getting enough sleep you tend to wake up feeling tired. You experience fatigue after meals and generally during the day. You may be dealing with hypoglycemia which is a condition marked with a decline in blood sugar. It is caused by an abnormal function in insulin and this is an early sign of insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes if not controlled. 

2.Intense Sugar Cravings:

How much sugar, is too much sugar? This rule doesn’t apply to you because you’re craving sugar all day long. You are not satiated until you get ‘high’ and this high lasts only for a few minutes to a couple of hours. Once you crash, you’re again back to square one. 

3.Unexplained Weight Gain or Weight Loss Despite Diet and Exercise

Killing yourself at the gym, taking up an almost suicidal diet and still not losing weight? This could be because of Insulin resistance that has been developing over time in your body. It is now unable to use the glucose in the cells for energy and an excess level builds up. With nowhere else to go the body turns this extra energy into fat and stores it.

Obesity can be a sign of diabetes but shedding pounds without even trying can be bad news. 

Weight loss can happen for two reasons- excessive loss of water from your body because of frequent urination or your body is not able to absorb all calories from the sugar in your blood. 

4.Wounds that Heal Slowly: 

We’re not talking about heartbreak here. If scars and wounds take time to heal it is because high blood sugar that hardens the arteries resulting in narrower blood vessels. This is going to cause less blood flow and oxygen to the wounded area and hence take a longer time to heal. 

5.Numbness and Tingling Sensations:

Having high blood sugar can restrict proper blood flow to your body and may even damage your nerves. This can turn out to be severe and damage your nerve fibers. 

6.Itchy Skin

Since diabetes causes poor blood circulation in the body the sweat glands may become dysfunctional and irritate your skin. The same problem may make your skin susceptible to fungal and yeast infection and cause dark patches around your neck, groin or armpits. 

7. Blurry Vision

Due to the changes of fluid levels in the body, the eye lenses swell and affect your ability to focus. This in turn blurs your vision and when this happens do not ignore it. Get yourself checked as soon as possible. 

8.Frequent Urination and Constantly Feeling Thirsty.

This is one of the earliest signs of diabetes. If you urinate an abnormal amount, especially in late hours of the day you can have the disease. And, because of the frequent urination your body tends to get dehydrated making you constantly thirsty.