Every year on August 13th, International Left-handers Day is celebrated to honour every left-handed soul on the planet. Most of us have seen and grown up around right-handed individuals. Unfortunately, since age-old times we are taught that using our left hand to carry out essential tasks is considered disrespectful. Consequently, left-handed individuals may feel left out in the world which is predominantly right-handed. The aim of this day is to raise awareness of the everyday struggles left-handed people overcome and recognise the differences and uniqueness of unique individuals.
left handers day

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Left-handers comprise about ten to twelve per cent of the global population.  There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with being left-handed. Some of them are:

Creativity: Left-handed individuals are often known for their enhanced creativity and innovative thinking. Their brain structure may contribute to more divergent thinking and the ability to approach problems from unique angles.

Artistic Inclinations: Many famous artists, musicians, and writers are left-handed. This implies there is a potential connection between left-handedness and art.

Multitasking: It has been observed that left-handers have better multitasking abilities. This has been backed by science and is said to be due to their additional and increased connectivity between hemispheres.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages of being a lefty: 

Limited Tools: Many tools, devices, and appliances are designed for right-handed users, making it slightly inconvenient for left-handers to use them comfortably.

Handwriting Problems: Some of left-handed individuals may face challenges in developing neat handwriting, as they need to adapt to writing from left to right, which can sometimes affect legibility.

Social Stigma: Historically, left-handedness was considered unusual, and societal norms were tailored to right-handed individuals. This led to negative beliefs about left-handedness, though these stigmas have largely diminished unlike back in the day.

Learning Difficulties: It has been observed that left-handed individuals might be more prone to certain learning disabilities, like dyslexia and ADHD, although these connections are complex and have other causative factors.

Increased Injury Risk: Certain tools and machinery are designed with right-handed users in mind, potentially putting left-handers at a slightly higher risk of accidents or injuries.

Also Read: International Lefthanders Day: Raising A Left-Handed Kid? 5 Health Reasons Why The Habit Should Be Left Alone


World Left-Handers Day acknowledges the advantages and disadvantages associated with being left-handed. While left-handed individuals often possess unique talents and skills, they might also encounter challenges in a world predominantly designed for right-handed individuals. It's important to recognize and celebrate the diversity that left-handedness brings to our society.