Lemon- the citrus fruit is an absolute delight that can be consumed in various forms. It can be a refreshing drink or a popular ingredient that adds flavor and aroma to your dish.

Lemon For Healthy Skin

Your skin and hair too love lemon more than you, thanks to its incredible anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that enhance skin and hair health.

Lemon contains a host of nutrients and plant compounds like alpha hydroxy acid that removes dead skin cells even while generating the new ones. The goodness of essential nutrients in lemon includes vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium which help in improving skin and hair health.

Magical Effects Of Lemon

Treats Dry Skin

Lemon juice pack works well in moisturizing dry skin and the richness of essential nutrients nurtures the dry skin, making it glow naturally. For a face pack mix equal amounts of lemon juice and honey, apply it over dry skin areas and let it stay for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water, for supple and radiant skin.

Skin Lightening

Lemon juice is a great natural bleaching agent that exhibits amazing skin lightening properties. The goodness of vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon guards the skin from UV rays damage and lightens suntan. In addition, it also possesses exfoliating properties, that help in removing the dead cells and whitens the skin naturally.

Lemon Benefits


The presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon juice protects the skin from free radical damage, repairs the skin and slows down the effect of ageing. Massage lemon juice on the wrinkles, the compound alpha hydroxy acid does wonders making the skin brighter and gets rid of fine lines, blemishes and wrinkles.

Treats Acne

The abundance of vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon juice helps in treating acne. The richness of citric acid in lemon reduces secretions of sebum oil and antiseptic properties in lemon juice fight against acne- causing bacteria. Regular application of lemon juice on the acne helps in fading out scars.

Hair Health

The rich array of essential nutrients in lemon juice works well in promoting hair health and growth. It can strengthen the hair follicles and stimulates the growth of hair. The acidity of lemon juice helps in balancing the pH of hair and thereby hinders the growth of dandruff. Massage the scalp of your hair with lemon juice and rinse well with water, do this regularly for treating dry scalp and dandruff.

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