Hyperopia or hypermetropia, referred to as farsightedness in layman terms, is a very commonly occurring eye ailment wherein the affected individual can view objects at a further distance clearly but encounter problems in seeing things that are nearby.

In normal individuals with optimal vision, the cornea and lens possess an ideal curvature so as to focus the light from objects onto the retina and form a clear image. However, in instances of hyperopia or hypermetropia, the curved portion of the cornea has a small surface area and is not uniform and smooth, giving rise to a refractive error - like in myopia or nearsightedness, such that lights rays arising from the object are not concentrated properly on the retina and items nearby cannot be seen clearly.

Also Read: Myopia: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Causes Of Hyperopia/Hypermetropia:

The primary causative factor of hyperopia is aberrations in the lens, cornea or eyeballs, which result in refractive errors and inability to view things at a close distance properly.

When the arched segment of the cornea has a reduced area and an uneven surface, the eyeball is of a shorter size than normal or the focusing power of the lens is rather weak, light rays from nearby objects do not converge properly on the retina, leading to farsightedness and blurry vision.


The typical indications of hyperopia or hypermetropia comprise:

  • Hazy distorted images of nearby objects
  • Squinting often to focus clearly on things present at a closer distance
  • Eye pain, with burning sensations
  • Headaches
  • Strain in the eyes while engaging in routine tasks like reading, writing, typing

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The ophthalmologist – a doctor specializing in conditions of the eye – conducts an eye exam, that assesses the refraction capabilities as well as how healthy the vision of the patient is. This entails viewing objects utilising different kinds of lenses to help the doctor in gauging the patient’s distance and close-up vision. Furthermore, refraction analyses indicate if the patient has issues with their eyesight pertaining to refractive errors – such as presbyopia, nearsightedness or farsightedness, astigmatism.

Also Read: Eye Exam/Ophthalmic Exam: Types, Procedure, Risks And Results

Following this, medicated eye drops are used to dilate the pupils in the eyes of the patient, which assists the healthcare provider in viewing all areas of the visual organs clearly and determining the overall health status of the eyes.


While farsightedness or hyperopia cannot be cured, people affected by the condition can still procure better vision through visual aids like corrective lenses and surgery.

After measuring the exact power deficits in the eyes of the patient, the doctor prescribes eyeglasses and contact lenses, which help adjust for the refractive errors in the eyes and focus clearly on nearby objects. This vastly improves the quality of life of the patient and helps them carry out routine tasks at work and home.

Besides eyeglasses and contact lenses, refractive surgical procedures like LASIK – Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis modify the shape and structure of the cornea and aid in resolving farsightedness, thereby improving eyesight and ensuring healthy vision in the patient.