To ward off mosquitoes, ticks and other bugs which are quite common during this season and to prevent insect borne diseases, all you need is an effective insect repellent.Mosquito Repellents

Apparently, for the best sprays to function properly you must follow the right technique. Although repellents are usually safe for pregnant women and children, that holds true only if you use them correctly.

Applying bug spray in a wrong way might pose risk, especially for kids. Follow the instructions on the label and use them safely and effectively.

DEET (N, N- diethyl -m toluamide) is the active ingredient in most of the insect repellents and bug sprays. Products containing DEET are generally safe when used following the instructions. Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or p-methane are other approved chemicals in repellents that are safe and used in most of the bug sprays and lotions.

Precautions To Follow When using Mosquito Repellents

Never apply the bug sprays over any injured cuts, wounds or irritated skin.

Use a minimum amount of spray to cover the exposed area.

Never use spray under the clothes.

Avoid overusing the bug sprays.

In very few cases you may experience skin rashes, then stop using them again.

Precautions To Follow Using Pump or Aerosol Spray

Never use the spray in covered areas.

When you are applying to face, don’t apply directly on the face, rub a small amount in your hands and then rub on the face.

Precautions To Follow While Using Repellents For Children

When using a repellent spray on a child, apply it on your hand and then apply it to the child’s exposed skin and face. Avoid exposing it your children eyes, mouth, nostrils and use very little around the ears.

Never apply or spray repellents to the children hands, as children often stick their fingers into their eyes and mouth.

Oil of lemon eucalyptus is not safe for kids less than three years old.

DEET repellents are not very safe for infants less than 2 months old.