Protein bars are best pick snack after a heavy workout - they are an ideal way to build muscle mass and repair damaged tissue even while burning fat. But cooking up daily protein bars may not be a preferred choice for someone who had just finished a strenuous workout. Try out these simple homemade protein bars which can be stored over a week.

Homemade Protein Bars

1.Almond Bar

Almond protein bars contain all vital nutrients that help in promoting muscle protein synthesis and supports the growth of lean tissue. It boosts the metabolism and assists in burning fat.


1 and half cups of Almonds

¼ cup of Roasted quinoa

¼ cup of Pumpkin seeds

¼ cup of Sesame seed

3 tbsp of Honey

4 Dates


Grind the almonds in a mixer until they become a thick paste stirring it occasionally. Now add honey and dates and give it a good mix and grind it until all the ingredients mix up properly.

Pour this mixture in a bowl, add roasted quinoa and the seeds mix it up well. In a preheated tray slightly buttered pour this mixture and bake it for 20 minutes.

Allow the mixture to cool for 30 minutes and cut into bars and then let it stay for few hours. Store them airtight in the refrigerator for 10 days.

2. No bake Peanut Granola Bar

Peanut granola bars are a wholesome nutritious punch that provides you with needed protein, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant. A healthy bar to provide instant energy and protein required to recover from tiring workout.

No bake energy protein bar is a healthy choice of snacks in between meals and after workouts.


1 cup Instant Oats (Oatmeal)

2 cups Dates

1 cup Almond, coarsely powdered

½ cup Walnuts, coarsely powdered

½ cup Peanut Butter  

1 tsp Vanilla Extract or orange rind/zest 


In a pan roast oats on medium flame until it gets slight crunch. Once roasted transfer into a bowl and let it cool down.

Coarsely powder almonds and walnuts separately.

In mixer blend dates into a smooth paste, add the nuts powder, peanut butter and roasted oats mix them up until all are blended well.

Now pour the mixture in a tray level it nicely using a flat knife and press it down evenly, refrigerate for a few hours so it set well to be cut.

Cut it into the required shape and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks or outside in a cool dark place for 1 week.