Dandruff is annoying, and it is tough to deal with this condition on a regular basis. Dandruff occurs when scalp becomes dry or greasy and as a result produces white flakes of dead skin.

Woman Applying Hair Masks for Dandruff

Besides dry skin, dandruff is also caused due to sensitivity to certain hair products, skin conditions like eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, stress, hormones and immune related issues.

There is no dearth for anti-dandruff products in the market. However, one can also try these homemade hair masks that can treat dandruff naturally and provide complete nourishment.

Hair Masks For Dandruff:

Hibiscus and Fenugreek Mask:


Fistful of fresh hibiscus leaves

100 gms fenugreek seeds

½ cup sour curd


Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in sour curd

In the morning, grind it with fresh hibiscus leaves

Apply the mixture on the scalp, at the hair roots

Wait for an hour.

Wash it with a mild shampoo for a dandruff free, luscious hair

Apply this mask at least twice in a week for better results

How It Works: Ayurveda strongly recommends Hibiscus leaves for stronger hair growth. Fenugreek is an excellent conditioning agent and this mask treats dandruff in no time.

Egg yolk and Olive Oil Mask:


1 egg yolk

15 ml olive oil


In a bowl, whisk egg yolk and olive oil till the mixture turns frothy

Apply it on the scalp at the root of hair, massage gently

Wait for an hour. Wash it with mild shampoo and in lukewarm water

How It Works: Egg yolk is loaded with vitamin A that keeps your hair shiny. Olive oil helps in conditioning and keeping the scalp healthy. When mixed together these two ingredients help in maintaining healthy scalp and in fighting dandruff.

Aloe Vera and Eucalyptus Oil Mask


1 Aloe Vera gel

3 to 5 drops of Essential eucalyptus oil


In a bowl, combine aloe vera gel and eucalyptus oil.

Apply it on the scalp and gently massage for 10 minutes thoroughly

Rinse hair with lukewarm water

How It Works:

Aloe Vera moisturizes dry scalp and keeps it bacteria free. When mixed it essential eucalyptus oil, it not only clears dandruff but also reduces itchiness.