A hernia is a condition caused when a fatty tissue presses around a weak spot in the adjacent muscles known as fascia, mostly occurring in the abdomen. Common types of hernia are inguinal, incisional, femoral, umbilical, and hiatal hernia.


In most cases when an organ pushes against a weak spot, it causes a hernia. In some cases, the weak muscle is present by birth; otherwise, it appears in the later stages of life.

Anything that increases the pressure in the abdomen can cause a hernia including lifting heavy objects, diarrhea, constipation, continuous coughing, and sneezing, obesity, lack of nutrition, smoking, age, pregnancy, damage from surgery, and ascites can also cause a hernia.

Signs and Symptoms:

Swelling in abdomen or groin which may disappear when you lie down, which may otherwise feel tender or sore.

Feeling heavy in abdomen


Blood in the stool

Heartburn and chest pain

Upper abdominal pain

Acid reflux

Troubled swallowing


Treatment depends on the size and complexity of symptoms and maybe administered with prescribed drugs such as, antacids, PPI, and H-2 receptor blockers. Lifestyle changes, dietary changes, mediation, and surgery also show positive results in treating hernia.