If you are one of those with an erratic routine be it at home or work, skipping breakfasts and indulging in late dinners; you could be prone to various health conditions.Woman eating vegetables

An erratic eating schedule will cost your health dearly, leading to various lifestyle disorders like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes. According to the research published by Proceedings Of The Nutrition Society, individuals who stick to their diet clock are less obese, maintain better cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels.

Doctors believe that it is not what you eat, but when you eat also plays a crucial role in maintaining the link between metabolism, circadian rhythm. Feeding your body at random hours daily would disrupt internal body clock affecting the process of digestion, appetite and might spike the levels of bad fat, blood sugar and cholesterol.

5 Reasons Why You Need A Diet Clock

Better Metabolic Activity:

Metabolism is the rate at which your body can burn calories. Scientists at Harvard Medical School say that our bodies are programmed to sense lack of food as starvation and as a result body can go slow on metabolism spending lesser calories. When it happens very often, it makes it difficult for the body to lose weight. Skipping breakfast and other subsequent meals leads to insulin sensitivity and could increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Keeps You Active:

Eating at the same time daily, keeps your body active during your working hours. By sticking to your time, you can keep your energy levels up and mind focused. Missing a meal can have adverse effects on the body metabolism, affect mood and daily performance.

Prevents Unhealthy Snacking:

Eating on time daily, gets your body used to certain schedule. Regular eating habits help body to get all necessary energy and in turn discourages lower consumption of sugar, unhealthy snacks, fast foods. Try choosing a fruit, dry fruits or boiled vegetables as a part of midday snack to maintain certain amounts of energy.

Consistent Routine:

Setting a consistent routine is a good habit as it makes healthy eating a priority. This leads to healthier lifestyle, making time for workouts, focus on daily tasks and to have a productive day. It may be tough initially to stick to a routine but try making an effort to stick to it and it becomes easier with the time.

Eat Smartly:

Since you have a diet routine, it doesn’t mean that you must skip lunch or dinner invitations. Plan ahead, eat a fruit, boiled vegetables or nuts before a dinner to feel satiated and to provide body with necessary fuel to run its tasks.