Heart Rhythm disorders are a condition that affects the normal heart rate. The heartbeat may be too slow medically termed ‘bradycardia’, too fast or ‘tachycardia’, or irregular rhythm of heartbeat. These conditions affect the amount of blood pumped by the heart.

Structural changes in heart tissues, insufficient blood flow to heart tissues, stress conditions and/or delayed or blocked electrical signal from heart muscles controlling the heartbeat can cause these disorders.

The Sinoatrial (SA) node, also termed as natural pacemaker of heart regulates the electrical impulses that make the heart chambers to contract in a specific order. Malfunctioning of cells producing electrical signals and/or of the pacemaker result in delayed or blocked impulses leading to an irregular heartbeat. Heart rhythm disorders can damage heart, brain and other vital organs of body due to the insufficient blood supply.

Causes, Symptoms And Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders

Individual with a family history of heart rhythm disorders is at risk of developing the same. Additionally, other co-morbid disease conditions increase the risk are:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Lung diseases

Heart Rhythm disorders can lead to severe complications of the nervous and cardiovascular system. The patients may end up with stroke, heart failure, Alzheimer's disease and sudden cardiac arrest. Heart Rhythm disorders do not have any visible sign or symptoms.


  • Pain in chest
  • Anxiety and fatigue
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness in breath
  • Palpitation


Treatment of heart rhythm disorders includes modification of lifestyle, healthy eating habits and being physically active. In more severe conditions surgical implantation of pacemaker, other and certain procedures are performed to ensure regular rhythm of heartbeat and medications.