If you are one of those who took your second and final jab of vaccination against COVID-19, Congratulations! You certainly did your bit in stopping this deadly contagious virus from spreading to others and are committed to fight it.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is going ahead full throttle in our country. Right now, people above the age of 45 are eligible to get inoculated and from May 1, all Indian citizens above 18 can queue up for their vaccine. Currently, three vaccines are being administered in India – Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V and all these are quite safe and effective against preventing and building immunity against this super contagious virus.

Also Read: Vaccines: Learn How They Work And What Common Side Effects They Cause
Doctor giving vaccine to the patient

In the last three months, millions were vaccinated in our country, however according to government authorities there is a decrease in the number of people turning up for their second shot. It is mostly due to the fear of side effects, that may occur post second shot, unavailability of vaccines or even missing the schedules.

The Ministry of Health of India is urging all its citizens to complete both shots as the efficacy against novel coronavirus would increase only after getting inoculated twice. While first dose aids in building immunity, the second one will produce antibodies that would shield the body against the virus in long-term. At present, the efficacy rate after first dose is at 64 per cent and it significantly increases to 94 per cent within weeks of the second shot.

And here is what you should know about the dos and don’ts after taking the vaccine.

I Missed My Second Shot. What Next?

Well, take it immediately. Even if you have missed that window, there is no need to panic, and you don’t have repeat the first dose. Good news, right? Schedule it right away and get it done for complete protection.

Also Read: COVID-19 Vaccines: Learn How Covishield, Covaxin, Sputnik V Work To Prevent Coronavirus Infection

I Took Both Shots. Am I Completely Safe Now?

All vaccines that are being currently administered in India were tested extensively under multiple trials and are proved for efficacy. Yet, at this point of time the doctors and researchers are still unsure if these vaccines can offer partial or complete immunity against COVID-19. It would take few more months to understand the results. 

Can I Go Around Public Places Without Masks And Sanitizers?

Nope. Not at all. Be mindful of the fact that the vaccination is still going on and has a long way to go, before the entire population gets inoculated. You still may be a carrier of virus and it is necessary to follow all precautions including sanitization, masks and social distancing till everyone feels confident and free of virus.

All Members in Our Family Are Vaccinated. Can We Hold A Function or Attend A Gathering?

The virus is lurking around, and people are prone to infection. There are state specific rules about weddings and other functions on the number of attendees and one should strictly adhere to those. Small gatherings are recommended at this stage with all precautions in place.

Is Travelling Out Of Station, A Good Idea?

Though people are travelling within the country, going abroad comes with a lot of deal. Many countries have restrictions on incoming passengers. Unfortunately, a vacation seems like a distant dream at this point of time.

What Are The Dos And Don’ts?

  • Wear a mask in public places. Maintain social distancing and ensure frequent sanitization.
  • Remember, you may be still prone to coronavirus. Don’t ignore symptoms.
  • Vaccines may take couple of weeks to start working and shield body against it.
  • Be responsible. Do not step out unnecessarily as you may be a carrier of virus.