Motherhood is one of the absolute joyful and happiest experiences of a woman’s life. But certain health conditions or factors prevent a woman getting this wonderful gift of bringing a new life into this world.

With the growing dependency on the ongoing sedentary lifestyle, people are falling prey to more health issues. Especially, in case of women, longer working hours, arduous schedules, sky-high targets, poor food timings, and lack of any form of exercise have led to a stressful environment resulting in fertility issues in the majority of women population. Also Read: Top Most Fertility Foods

So, What Causes Infertility?

Apart from excessive stress, depression, anxiety, guilt and obesity can also lead to problems in conception. In most of the cases, there are couples who try for months without any good news and this makes them go crazy and increases overall stress, thus creating a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. Little do they realize it’s the pressure or stress that’s actually causing problems in conception. But there are natural ways of reducing this stress and increasing chances of conception through a form of yoga known as Fertility Yoga. Also Read: 5 Effective Tips For Successful Infertility Treatment

What Is fertility Yoga, You Ask?

Yoga is a 5000-year-old traditional Indian practice that can bring revolutionary changes to the mind, body and soul. Derived from this ancient practice, Fertility Yoga is a set of yogasanas that not only help reduce stress levels and cleanse the body of toxins but also strengthens the body and enhances the chances of conceiving.

So, without further ado, lets know about these top 5 Fertility Yoga Poses that effectively reduce stress and increases chances of conception.

fertility yoga

Incredible Yogasanas That Boost Fertility

1. Sethubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Start the posture by lying flat on your back. Now bend your knees and elbows. Place your feet flat on the floor close to the hips and your hands firmly on either side of the head. While supporting both your hands and legs on the ground, slowly try to lift your body up into the air. Hold this arching posture for 20-30 secs and slowly bring your body up into a standing pose.


By bending the body in the form of a bridge, the body increases blood circulation upwards in the abdominal area, thus nourishing the ovaries and uterus. The Bridge Pose is an extremely beneficial posture for relieving arthritic pain and strengthening the leg, thigh and back muscles. Not only does it treat infertility conditions but also helpful in case of osteoporosis and hip pain.

2. Uttanasana (Forward Bent Pose):

While standing, bring the feet hip-distance apart. Without bending your knees, slowly bend your body above the torso downwards. See that your knees are straight. You can allow your hands and hang down and rest your palms on the ground or just hold your feet to the ankles. Hold this position for 8-10 breaths, then slowly get back to the standing position.


This inverted posture is extremely beneficial in enhancing the chances of conception. By conveying prana and blood flow to the sinuses, this yoga pose not only relieves congestion but also promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area. This asana makes the spine more flexible and helps in releasing stress from the abdominal area.

3. Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose):

Initially, sit about 3 inches from an empty wall. Lie onto the back and swing your legs upwards in such a way that the back of the thigh rests against the wall. Rest your entire back, i.e. the spinal column on the floor below and relax the arms on either side of the body or the tummy. Hold the position for 10 minutes or as long as you can and then slowly pull your leg back to the starting position.


Viparita Karini is one of the most beneficial poses that increases the chances of conception. By stretching the legs up, the blood flows directly into the pelvic region and stimulates the reproductive organs to secrete progesterone and other pregnancy hormones. Regular practice of this asana is sure to treat infertility conditions and improve the chances of pregnancy.

4. Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)

Lie flat on the ground with your legs laid side-by-side and both arms resting on either side of the body. Swing your legs up in such a way so that your legs, buttocks and hip is up in the air and support your body with your elbows attached to the ground. While settling into the pose, ensure that the hold your body properly keeping your legs and spine straight. Hold the pose for 30-40 secs while breathing normally. Slowly bring down your legs back to Shavasana pose and repeat 2-3 times.


Famed as the “Mother of all Poses”, the shoulder stand pose is extremely beneficial to soothe the nerves and calm the mind. This asana not only bolsters immunity but also triggers the thyroid gland. Performing this yogasana regularly increases blood flow in the pelvis and uterus area and also treat various infertility issues.

5. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose):

Sit straight on the floor. While breathing out, fold your legs close to your body so that the soles of both your feet touch each other face to face. Let your knees drop to the sides. Hold the thumb of your foot and ensure that the foot soles remain touched to each other and always pressed to the ground. Once you are comfortable in the pose, ensure that the torso is stretched through the top of the sternum, and the shoulder blades are also firmly pressed to the back. Now breathe in and out normally. Hold this for 1 minute, take 30 secs break and repeat 5 times.


This butterfly pose is extremely beneficial for opening various obstructions within the body, especially in the hips allowing a full range of movements and creating a channel for the free passage of  fluids within the body. It is also extremely beneficial to stretch the groin, inner thighs, and knees and is good for stimulating the reproductive organs in women. Practicing it regularly, increase the chances of conception and also when practiced later in the prenatal term, it helps in facilitating a smooth delivery.