Most pet owners know the abundance of joy in sharing their lives with animals. An ardent pet lover feels that this bundle of joy certainly adds magic to their lives. But do we know that animals come with some holistic health benefits specifically regarding mental health? It is no surprise that the four-legged can help relieve depression and anxiety, lower stress, and promote heart health. Science has explored in recent years that the benefits of the human-animal bond and their effects on physical and mental health are immense. The article delves into how a pet can bring many wellness benefits and add meaningful years to your life and of course abundant joy to its own too!

Also Read: Paws And Longevity: Increase Your Furry Friend's Lifespan With These Essential Pet Health Ideas

We all know a healthy lifestyle is one ideal solution to many health problems. And when it comes to easing symptoms of stress, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and other ailments that hamper your mental well-being, lifestyle is the only solution in the long run. Let us look at essential 5 lifestyle ideas that your four-legged can contribute to:

They Help You Build A Walk Schedule: All dogs require a regular exercise schedule. Taking a dog for a walk is rewarding as it is one of the best ways to keep you fit by adding daily exercise to your schedule. Exercising daily is great for the animal as it deepens the connection between you and helps treat behavior problems and tantrums in dogs. This keeps your pet fit and healthy and, of course, helps you as well.

They Provide Companionship

Isolation and loneliness trigger symptoms of depression. What can be a better way to beat loneliness than home to the wagging tail of a dog or meowing of a cat? Companionship makes you feel needed and wanted and it takes the focus away from isolation. This can go a long way in preventing mental health problems.

Also Read: Pet Care: Make Regular Health-Check-up A Practice To Keep Them Free From Diseases   

They Reduce anxiety. Animals have no anxiety. Period! And their tendency to live in the moment is quite infectious. It is widely noticed that almost every dog and cat owner talks to his or her pet. Not only does the companionship of an animal offer comfort, but it also helps ease anxiety, and build self-confidence, especially in people who are anxious about going out and socialising with friends or people.

They Make You Socialise

As you frequently stop and talk to each other on walks, they help you meet new people, maintain new friendships, and get social.  By making you appreciate the joy of the present, they help you get out of a depressed or anxious state.  A consistent routine will not only keep your furry friend calm but also keep you happy.

They Aid Sensory Stress Relief:  We all know what it means to heal through sensory ways.  Sensory stimulation such as touch and feel are powerful ways to manage stress. As you stroke your furry pet, and snuggle up to them, it will help you become calmer, stay in the present, and be more playful. After all, the amount of selfless love an animal can bestow upon you is nothing less than therapy.


  1. Pet ownership and human health: a brief review of evidence and issues

Croit Cullach, Durnamuck, Dundonnell, Ross-shire, Massey University, New Zealand
