Erectile Dysfunction is a condition characterized with the inability to get a penile erection during sexual intercourse. Erectile Dysfunction although not severe as a condition, affects the family life significantly and may even cause family issues.

Causes, Diagnosis And Treatments of Erectile Dysfunction

 Hormonal imbalance, lack of oxygenated blood supply and neuronal death are the causes of erectile dysfunction. A persistent erectile dysfunction may be an indication of a serious health condition, and hence should be immediately brought to the notice of an expert.

Common Risk Factors Associated With Erectile Dysfunction Include;

  • Heart disease and/or high blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases.
  • Chronic smoking and alcoholism.
  • Consumption of drugs.
  • Surgical complications.
  • Mental disorders.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Proper diagnosis includes physical examination followed by a consultation of the person’s family history, medical history, and current health condition.

Apart from these two specified ways, the doctor may also suggest certain blood tests, urine analysis, and ultrasound examination to analyze structural issue associated with the same. Depending upon the cause as well as severity of the condition, a doctor may suggest oral steroidal medications, which increase the nitric oxide for faster relaxation of penile muscles.

This, in turn, can enhance the supply of oxygenated blood towards the tissue to get better sexual stimulation.