The healthcare sector plays an important role in any country's economy. The economic condition of the inhabitants influences their access to quality healthcare and living conditions. This indicates towards a two way relationship between healthcare and economy.

The role that economy plays, especially in coronary health care unit, is both extensive and important. For those who suffer from coronary artery disease, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle, with a special focus on quality diet. Low-income patients usually have diminished access to a healthy lifestyle. This inadequacy creates a high impact on the state of coronary disease on them. Low-income patients are often unable to access expensive and advanced medication necessary for treating coronary artery disease. Moreover, the expenses associated with the medication, consultation, and hospital visits prove to be an additional nuisance for low-income patients.

A direct relationship exists between environmental conditions and status of coronary artery disease. An unhealthy environment leads to unhealthy food habits. Low-income diet often riddled with cholesterol or fat rich food exerts a negative impact on overall health. Also, low-income patients cannot afford hygienic living conditions, free from contamination. This forces them into unhealthy living conditions, plagued with the risk of contracting multiple diseases. The psychological behavior associated with low-income people exerts influence on coronary artery disease. They tend to have high-stress levels due to the economic blockade, hypertension promotes coronary artery disease.

Hence, low-income patients are highly exposed to unhealthy living conditions, due to their economic crisis. In the wake of economic problems, management of coronary artery disease can be a challenging task. It is essential to help low-income patients effectively manage diseased conditions with governmental support.