Anorexia is a condition among adolescents (teenagers) which corresponds to eating disorders. It is mostly seen in people between the age of 12-25 years. Individuals in this condition tend to have a feeling of weight gain or overweight irrespective of being underweight or thin. 

Detect Anorexia in teenagers

Anorexia is a serious condition in teenagers. Parents should look for specific signs and symptoms to recognize anorexia in their children. Teenagers diagnosed with anorexia can be treated with medication and psychological therapies including antidepressants and “family & individual therapy.” 

It is difficult to detect eating disorders from normal diet habits, still there are some early signs that can help determine anorexia.

  • Denying to eat food
  • Refusal to  consume food, even when hungry
  • Avoiding meals
  • Avoiding fats and carbohydrates in diet
  • Following dietary rituals such as over chewing or throwing up after eating
  • Eating only low calorie food
  • Too much exercise
  • Becoming conscious weight gain
  • Checking weight repeatedly 

The exact cause of anorexia is still not understood, however, there are some reasons that explain the symptoms of this condition.

  • Biological Reasons: Anorexia is linked with genetics i.e. any individual whose biological parents and siblings are suffering from eating disorders, have higher risks of developing anorexia.
  • Psychological Reasons: Poor self-esteem, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, anxiety, and stress like conditions can trigger anorexia in teenagers.
  • Environmental Reason: Modern culture definition of beauty i.e. being thin or underweight, can trigger anorexia, especially among females.