Dysentery is a disease of the intestinal tract, characterized by inflammation of intestine. This is a type of gastroenteritis, resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the faeces.

Woman with dysentery

Some of the other symptoms may include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever of 100.4 º F or higher and acute dehydration. It is common but potentially serious issue of the digestive tract that occurs throughout the world. It is caused by a number of infectious agents ranging from viruses and bacteria to protozoa and parasitic worms.

Causes for spread of Dysentry


Depending on the causative agent, organisms causing this disease include Shigella and Entamoeba histolytica which usually spreads as a result of poor hygiene. They can also spread because of tainted food, poor sanitation, and contaminated and stagnant water. These organisms also linger on people's hands after using the bathroom. Therefore, good hygiene reduces the risk of spreading infection.

Be mindful of:


Unhygienic eating habits

Avoiding contact with infected people

Swimming in contaminated water

Children are most at risk of shigellosis (type of dysentery), but anyone of any age may be impacted. The best way to prevent is to be careful about eating and drinking and improving hygienic lifestyle.