Cyclothymia, also referred to as cyclothymic disorder, is a mental illness characterized by starkly contrasting moods, with the affected person experiencing emotionally hyperactive phases, to really quiet, depressive feelings.

Although bipolar disease of types I and II also give rises to comparable indicators, cyclothymia is a relatively milder illness. Also Read: Bipolar Disorder In Teens: Symptoms And Treatment

During the time of elation, the disturbed individual feels good about themselves and very excited. On the other hand, distinct sentiments of loneliness and dejection engulf them in periods of sad, low vibes.

Cyclothymia is a rare psychological condition. Both men and women are equally prone to acquiring cyclothymic disorder. In the majority of cases, the associated signs begin to show up in the adolescence stage.

Even though cyclothymia can be effectively remedied and completely cured, it is absolutely essential to provide timely medical care to afflicted patients. This helps avert situations of cyclothymia manifesting in more severe forms of bipolar illness or major depressive disorder. Also Read: Depression: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


The exact underlying trigger for cyclothymia is yet to be determined. Nevertheless, certain factors prompt this cerebral condition, including:

  • Hereditary Influences:

Cyclothymia can affect children if their parents, grandparents or close relatives also suffer from the mind-related anomaly.

  • Microenvironment Of Brain:

Modifications in neurotransmitters, as well as other functions of the brain sometimes leads to cyclothymic disorder.

  • External Aspects:

Extreme stress or trauma could also activate a situation of cyclothymia.


People with cyclothymia undergo intense mood swings, with diverse episodes of mania (elevated attitudes) and depression (upset sensations). The distinguishing traits of cyclothymic disorder comprise:

  • Indications Of Mania:

  • Feeling prominently joyful and thrilled, an instance known as euphoria
  • Very optimistic outlook of circumstances
  • Chatting for hours together
  • Lack of rational judgment, with tendencies to take risks
  • Poor concentration
  • Having a very irked and distressed frame of mind
  • Too much exercise and physical movement
  • Signals Of Depression:

  • Aura of hopelessness, anxiety and worry
  • Crying often, even for trivial reasons
  • Unhealthy fluctuations in body weight
  • Insomnia i.e. being unable to sleep continuously
  • Possessing a constantly agitated and restless mentality
  • Amplified fatigue and exhaustion
  • Low self-esteem


Although an event of cyclothymia is not considered to be alarming, if left unattended, the mentally ill person could develop grave consequences, such as:

  • Decreased productivity at work, loss of interest in day-to-day tasks
  • An addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  • Undiagnosed anxiety disorder
  • Increased risk of obtaining bipolar disorder type I or II
  • Contemplating suicide


The doctors specializing in mental health, consisting of a team of psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors, assess the patient for any hints of oscillations in temper. This is done by means of conducting:

  • Physical Exams:

The purpose of this is to probe for vital body statistics.

  • Laboratory Tests:

Samples of patient blood and tissue help in analysing brain-linked alterations.

  • Psychological Review:

The medical expert has an in-depth conversation with the patient, along with requesting them to fill out a detailed questionnaire, to identify their specific behavioural patterns.

  • Daily Moods:

The healthcare provider advises the cyclothymic individual to maintain a record of all their mood swings, sleeping patterns and any other irregularities in their reasoning processes.


Once the diagnosis of cyclothymia is confirmed in the patient, the doctor prescribes medications to control unpredictable mood changes. Cognitive behavioural therapy is also given frequently, to eliminate destructive thoughts and negative views and aid in coping with stressful surroundings.

Following a healthy lifestyle is recommended, with consuming meals on time, ensuring proper sleep hygiene and quitting bad habits of smoking, drinking, to restore optimal nervous system functioning, focus and positive thinking.