Amidst the surge in the numbers of Covid-19 cases and death toll creating havoc throughout the nation, owing to the newer mutated variants of the original SARS-CoV2 virus, more and more symptoms are gradually coming under radar. While the original virus that came into existence in the beginning of the year 2020, chiefly recorded symptoms like high fever, chills, sneezing, dry cough, headache, sore throat, watery eyes, loss of sense of smell or taste etc., the second wave of the contagious virus has shown much scarier signs and symptoms which often get aggravated and take a long time to subside.

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Coronavirus Mutation

Even though, we are now aware of the critical symptoms of Covid-19 that affect the major organs and require immediate medical intervention and even hospitalization, there are many Covid markers that we are still acknowledging with the newer case reports. And one of the most reported symptoms that the treating doctors and more than 40% of the patients with mild, moderate and critical symptoms are noticing is skin infections.

Also Read: COVID-19: Watch Out For Critical Symptoms That May Require Hospitalization

Here are a few inflammatory skin manifestations of the newer strains of the Covid-19 infection that should be checked and reported to the treating doctor:

Skin Lesions That Suggest Covid-19

Skin issues that could be a sign of coronavirus

Rashes And Blisters

Quite often, the onset of the Covid-19 infection can be in the form of itchy, painful inflammatory rashes out of nowhere throughout the body. These rashes usually appear in the form of red, itchy, bumpy, patchy or discoloured skin when the virus begins to multiply and affect the normal arteries and veins near the skin surface and there are reduced levels of oxygen in the body. Unlike other skin infections, these rashes aren’t limited to one part of the body, rather they may appear on any part of your body- from the arms, back of the neck, thighs to the toes. Although sometimes these skin inflammations can also show up in the form of neck and chest eczema generally in patients who are prone to allergy and skin infections, it could also affect people who are asymptomatic or suffering from mild to moderate form of Covid.

Covid Nails And Toes

While it’s been a long time, since Covid toes were added to the list of symptoms released by CDC, it’s the latest addition of Covid nails that is a cause of concern. The Covid nails are generally characterized by a distinct clear line growing on the nail bed that might be an indication of past Covid-19 infection. But with more and more knowledge about the symptoms of the newer variants, it can be established that with the onset of the infection and recovery, there could be visible lines or patches on the nails. Medically termed as Chilblains, although Covid toes were more commonly reported during the winter, nowadays even in the sweltering summer it is often reported as one of the progressing signs of Covid-19 in the form of reddish or purplish bumps on the digits.

Also Read: Chilblains: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


Urticaria, commonly known as Hives is another unusual skin condition that could indicate infection due to the SARS-CoV2 virus. Unlike eczema and other skin rashes, hives could easily come and go within hours and often subside on their own. Hives could be extremely itchy, painful and cause bumps all across the surface of the skin, even the face. Although, these rashes could appear at the onset of the infection or later in the stage, yet they could also suddenly come up long after the patient is no longer contagious.

Oral Rash

Oral rash all around the lips and inside the mouth could be a sign of an ongoing Covid-19 infection. These rashes chiefly appear in the form of dry, scaly patches or blisters that appear on the lip surface as the virus starts to spread throughout the body. Dry lips can also happen due to dehydration during covid or even when the nutritional needs are not met during the recovery period. Watch out if, alongside dryness, your lips suddenly develop a bluish-tint as that would signify critical oxygen deprivation and would require immediate hospitalization.

Skin Sensitivity

Apart from the skin rashes, even skin sensitivity is being reported amongst patients testing positive for the virus, in the list of growing symptoms due to the second wave of the Covid-19. It is chiefly characterized by extreme sensitivity in the upper abdominal area making it difficult for the patients to even wear clothes.

When To Consult The Doctor?

Although, some may feel that the above-mentioned symptoms are very much similar to normal seasonal rashes or allergies, yet they shouldn’t be just overlooked. Be aware of the progression of these symptoms as these skin infections may often crop up in the early phase of the infection, and then followed up by a fever, cough and other usual signs of the COVID-19 infection. As soon as you get a fever or develop other symptoms, get tested and depending upon the results, consult a doctor for specialized treatment.