Cashews have not always been hyped as the healthiest of nut choices because of their high-fat content. But a recent study has proven that cashews may help to improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.


Dr V. Mohan of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (Chennai), the lead author of the study, claimed that 20% of the fat in cashew nuts is of the saturated variety but this didn’t have any negative impact on the cholesterol levels.

The evidence is based on a study of 300 people in Chennai with type-2 diabetes. All the subjects followed a standard diabetic diet. Half of them were asked to consume 30 grams of unsalted, raw, cashews every day for about 90 days. At the end of the study, their blood pressure levels reduced, and high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) had increased in the partakers compared to the non-cashew group. There was no negative effect on the body weight and blood sugar levels.

Raw & Unsalted Cashew are the best.

Raw, unroasted, unsalted or unseasoned by any other spice or sugar are the best cashews, even though cashews are 46% fat, healthy fats in moderation can benefit the health claims the author.

Nutritional Facts of Cashews

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, nuts are rich in mono-unsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fats, which are deemed as good fats. When these fats are swapped for saturated fats and eaten in moderate amounts helps to improve heart health, reduce the risk of stroke and prevent weight gain. Cashews are also packed with powerful antioxidant vitamin E that promotes cell growth and boost the overall health.

A serving of cashews about a ¼ cup is abundant in a variety of minerals and vitamins including- iron, copper, folate, vitamin K, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium. A serving offers about 196 calories, 16 grams of fat, 1 gram of fibre, and 5 grams of protein. Nuts are a healthy snack choice if eaten in moderation or they end up adding up your calories.

Ways to Include Nuts in the Diet

Make your own butter out of cashew nuts – a delicious and healthy addition to your diet.

Nuts can be eaten raw or can be even added to varied dishes. But avoid eating nuts that are fried, salted or coated with chocolate.

Add crunchy nuts to your cereal or a bowl of fresh salad.

Munch on a mix of raw nuts instead of other unhealthy foods such as chip and fried foods.

Take Away

Reap the benefits of the cashews by preserving them in their natural state, beware of rancid nuts. A palmful of cashews a day will help keep you stick to healthy cholesterol and blood pressure ranges.