Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative nervous system disorder of the central nervous system affecting the movement of the body, gradually affecting the quality of life.

Caregiver And Parkinson’s Patient

The typical progression of the Parkinson’s disease is defined in 5 stages by neurologists. While the early signs include mild tremors, shaking and slowness of movement it gradually causes thinking, behavioral issues, hallucinations, anxiety and depression.

Several factors cause Parkinson’s including age, genetics, exposure to toxins. Studies indicate that men are more prone to this disease than women. It generally affects those 50 years old or above.

Unfortunately, there is no cure available in treating Parkinson’s completely. However, the symptoms can be delayed with help of few medicines, making lifestyle changes and also by offering a great support system to the patient at home.

If you have a loved one suffering from Parkinson’s at home, taking care of them and extending all necessary support to improve their quality of life could be a challenge.

Here are few tips to devise a support system for the caregivers while assisting a patient suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. 

Tips To Support: 

Learn About Parkinson’s: Talk to your doctor or read about Parkinson’s to understand more Parkinson’s disease. Understand what your loved one is undergoing and closely watch their symptoms. Always remember that it is a degenerative disease and it could worsen with the time. 

Make Changes: Try and make few little amendments at home that are more convenient for the patient, like adjusting the height of the bed, setting a table for eating, comfortable seating for watching television etc., 

Encourage To Walk: Patients suffering from Parkinson’s are usually wary of walking as they fear a fall. Encourage your loved one to take few steps daily to avoiding further stiffening of muscles. A regular physiotherapy also aids in better management of movements. 

Help Them Participate: Doctors strongly recommend Parkinson’s patients to participate in little jobs at home. For example, ask them to accompany to vegetable shopping and pick up fresh ones, count numbers, do small calculations, scribble, play along with children etc. These activities will go a long way in delaying the symptoms. 

Say No To Depression: Parkinson’s is a depressing ailment both for the patients and also for the caregivers. Do not let depression, anxiety set in to your minds and instead talk to close friends or family on the challenges being faced. Make it a habit to spend some time, talk and watch television together and listen to them patiently. Join a support group for motivation.