Calories In Fruits Fruits are made up of mostly simple carbohydrates, some proteins, and very little fat, certainly there are exceptions such as Avocado. The natural fruit sugars vary depending upon the type of fruit - bananas, figs, and mangoesare high in sugar and very sweet, whereas lemons, berries, are known for their tart flavour due to low sugar content. However, during a weight reduction program all simple sugars should be eaten in moderation. The food calorie chart given below will help you to choose the best fruit that fit into your healthy eating plan.

Apple 1 medium 80
Apricots 3 mediums 60
Avocado 100 grams 190
Banana 1 medium 110
Cantaloupe 100 grams 34
Chickoo 100 grams 94
Cherries 1 cup 70
Custard Apple 100 grams 104
Figs 100 grams 37
Dates 5 pieces 120
Grapes Black 100 grams 45
Guava 100 grams 66
Jackfruit 100 grams 88
Kiwi 1 medium 61
Lychee 100 grams 70
Mango 100 grams 74
Mosambi 1 medium 43
Orange 1 medium 53
Papaya 100 grams 32
Peach 1 medium 50
Pears 1 medium 51
Pineapple 100 grams 46
Pomegranate 1 medium 56
Plums 100 grams 52
Raisins ¼ cup 107
Strawberries 100 grams 77
Watermelon 100 grams 26