A cup of piping hot coffee to start the day certainly energizes the body and mind and helps in staying brisk and alert through the morning. And while you may enjoy a thick creamy cappuccino, a rich latte with milk, a strong decoction-based South Indian filter coffee or a delightful dalgona cold coffee, a type of coffee exists that can be brewed very easily and offers just as many benefits for overall health, known as black coffee.

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Yes indeed, black coffee, which is merely coffee that is prepared from ground roasted coffee beans without adding any milk, cream, sugar, sweeteners or condiments, is a proven solution for weight loss, besides preventing cancer, enhancing brain power, heart functions and safeguarding the liver. Being low in calories and rich in vital nutrients, antioxidants, black coffee is a wholesome drink to incorporate into the daily diet for better overall wellbeing.
Pouring black coffee in the cup

Black Coffee Nutrition:

According to the nutritional values of the food database by the United States Department Of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of black coffee contains only 2 calories. Moreover, it has zero fats, sodium, cholesterol, carbohydrates, making it heart-healthy and yet another light beverage to consume regularly on a weight loss diet, aside from green tea, lemon tea and herbal teas like hibiscus tea, blue tea.

Also Read: Lemon Tea: 7 Fantastic Health Benefits Of This Tangy Beverage

In addition, one cup of black coffee supplies 96 grams of caffeine, which is known to boost brain health, energy metabolism, avert cancer, while also being laden with B vitamins – vitamin B1, B2, B3 for optimal digestion, potassium for lowering blood pressure, polyphenol antioxidants for anti-inflammatory effects and a potent phytonutrient called chlorogenic acid that regulates blood sugar levels.

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How To Make Black Coffee:


1 cup water

1 tsp coffee powder


Boil water in a vessel.

Once it starts bubbling, lower the flame and add the coffee powder.

Let it simmer for 2 – 3 minutes, then turn off the stovetop.

Filter the concoction using a sieve into a glass and sip on the black coffee hot in the morning, noon or evening.


While this is a basic recipe to brew a cup of black coffee with instant coffee powder, to acquire an intense dark flavour, it is recommended to prepare coffee powder fresh from scratch by grinding whole roasted coffee beans. This homemade coffee powder can be stored in a clean sealed jar for up to 2 months to retain the freshness and aroma.

Excellent Wellness Incentives Of Black Coffee:

Aids In Weight Loss

Imbued with caffeine and chlorogenic acid, black coffee is a blessing for weight loss. Caffeine stimulates metabolism and helps regulate appetite, prevent untimely cravings, while chlorogenic acid activates fat-burning enzymes in the body to reduce extra kilos and also lose water weight. Drinking a cup of black coffee as part of the daily diet accelerates weight loss and decreases belly fat as well.

Promotes Heart Health

Black coffee delivers ample caffeine, which is a valuable plant compound that increases heart rate and vastly improves cardiac wellness. By stimulating the cardiac muscles to pump blood at a steady rate within the body, black coffee significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke and atherosclerosis in the later years of life and enhances longevity. It also contains potassium which controls blood pressure and prevents hypertension.

Lowers The Risk Of Cancer

The wealth of polyphenol compounds in black coffee offers amazing anti-inflammatory properties for the body. Since inflammation is a key feature in several cancerous conditions including liver cancer, skin cancer and colorectal cancer, black coffee aids in decreasing the chances of developing tumours and cancers in the system.

Augments Nervous System Functions

Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s hamper the operations of the brain and impede concentration, memory and thinking skills. Caffeine in black coffee is touted for its ability to increase levels of dopamine – a vital neurotransmitter in the body, which keeps the brain alert and functioning well, thereby preventing nervous system ailments in the later stages of life.

Prevents Liver Damage

Black coffee is bestowed with key vitamins B1, B2, B3, aside from caffeine and polyphenol antioxidants. These components offer hepatoprotective qualities which avert the risk of liver damage and scarring of the hepatic cells such as in fibrosis, and cirrhosis. This promotes detoxification within the body and flushes out harmful free radicals, toxins, wastes from the system for augmented overall health.

Help To Reduce Stress

Coffee has caffeine and antioxidants that can help a person to stay relaxed from chronic stress and tension. By stimulating the nervous system, it can help to increase the neurotransmitters-dopamine and serotonin and thus boost a person’s mood.  

Keeps Urinary System Clear

 Since coffee works as a diuretic, it helps to increase urine output by flushing out all the toxic material out of the body. This keeps the stomach and intestines and urinary tract clean and healthy. 

May Protect Diabetes

Coffee contains many chemicals such as caffeine and polyphenols that have different effects on the body. Polyphenols are molecules loaded with antioxidant properties that are believed to help prevent a wide range of health disorders such as type 2 diabetes and inflammatory illnesses

 Side Effects Of Black Coffee

 Here are some side effects of black coffee that can be harmful for the body

  • Too much black coffee may aggravate anxiety levels in the body
  • Excess coffee before going to bed may disrupt your sleeping schedule
  • Coffee contains caffeine that may be a cause of hyperacidity
  • Too much coffee makes it difficult for your body to absorb minerals from the diet

