Asthma is a common inflammatory and chronic respiratory disease of the airways of the lungs. The airways are mainly are basically bronchial tubes that allow in and out of the air, which when inflated reduce the flow of air to lungs. In a country of 1.3billion, India has estimated 15-20 million people affected by the chronic respiratory disease asthma. In addition, 10%-20% of the total people affected by asthma in India comprise children of the age group 5-11 years. The prevalence of occurrence of asthma amongst the Indian children has increased exponentially in last 10 years mainly due to growing air pollution and poor quality of air.

Kid using inhaler

There are various types of drugs available on the basis of the severity of asthma. The common varieties of drugs are categorized as:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
  • Long-acting beta-adrenergic (LABA)
  • Oral steroids
  • Oral bronchodilators
  • Immunomodulator
  • Xopenex
  • Albuterol
  • Inhaled corticosteroids
  • Leukotriene modifiers
  • Combination inhalers.

Albuterol is the most common drug for people suffering from this disease. It is also very economical and cheaper than most varieties of drugs. Other economical drugs for asthma in India are Acebrophylline, Asthalline, Cadiphylate, Respira, Salbetol, Theo asthalin, and Ventidox. These drugs fall under the category of ‘bronchodilators’ and ‘anti-inflammatory’ asthma drugs.