Arrhythmia, also known as irregular heart beat is a condition where heart beats are too fast or too slow and may sometimes even skip one.

Irregular Heartbeats

In fact, Arrhythmia is a group of conditions divided into tachycardia, bradycardia, atrial fibrillation.

The symptoms of tachycardia are faster beating heart, besides breathlessness, fainting, fluttering and pain in the chest, dizziness, and weakness, pulsating feeling in chest.

In Bradycardia or too slow heartbeat, patients complain about angina, concentration problems, confusion, difficulty during exercise, dizziness, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, short breaths, and sweating.

In atrial fibrillation, fainting, weakness, chest pain, breathless, light-headedness are commonly complained.

Multiple reasons can cause arrhythmias like heart attack; damaged heart tissue (from the previous attack); structural cardiomyopathy or changes in heart structure; artery blockage; increased blood pressure; and thyroid (both hyper and hypo).

Factors like stress, smoking, alcohol or caffeine addicting, drug abuse, sleep apnea, diabetes, allergic reaction to medication, and genetics can cause arrhythmia.


Treatment options include medication and surgery, depending on the condition. It is advised to seek urgent medical consideration if any of the signs are encountered. Ignoring the condition may increase complications, leading to heart failure or stroke. 

The best way to prevent arrhythmia is to make lifestyle changes including eating heart-friendly food, regular workouts, weight management, reduced stress levels, limited caffeine, and low alcohol consumption.