By Blossom Kochhar, Aromatherapist

Aromatherapy brings a holistic approach to beauty through mind, body and soul synergy, says aromatherapist Blossom Kochhar, who suggests that inhaling appropriate fragrance can reduce stress and give more energy.

Aromatherapy Can Reduce Stress, Lift Depression: Blossom Kochhar

"Aromatherapy brings about holistic approach to beauty through mind, body and soul synergy. Aroma means scent, and therapy means treatment,” she explains.

"Aromatherapy, then, is the use of the fragrant parts of aromatic plants to improve your health and general well-being. First, of course, aromatherapy offers pure enjoyment. Taking a whiff of a spice in your kitchen or a bouquet of flowers is fundamental aromatherapy," Blossom, Chairperson of Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies said.

"Aromatherapy has many other benefits too. Inhaling the appropriate fragrance can reduce stress, lift a depression, hasten a good night's sleep, soothe your soul, or give you more energy. These essentially look into the well-being of the consumer, thus helping in calming the soul and enhancing the inner beauty in turn making you feel beautiful, positive and confident externally.

"Thus, it is clear, that traditional remedies of alternative healing like aromatherapy work wonders on your skin and body, without causing any irritation or harmful effects, and in turn enhancing your beauty," she added.

Blossom Kochchar is a renowned aromatherapist and Chairperson of Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies

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