Appendicitis is the common inflammation of the appendix, which can either be acute or chronic and it must not be ignored for a prolonged time as it may turn severely fatal. Appendicitis occurs mainly due to overload of bacterial colonies, resulting in the appendix to get swollen as well as inflamed.


The swollen appendix if not removed through surgical procedure can burst and spreads the infection into abdomen as well as the peritoneal cavity. Appendicitis can be seen mainly in young people between the ages of 10 and 20, however, may occur at any point of life and age.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Dull pain around the navel or upper abdomen, and may even aggravate upon movement
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Nausea
  • Severe Weight Loss
  • Abdominal Swelling
  • Abdominal Pain While Coughing Or Walking
  • Persistent Fever
  • Blockage Of Gas
  • Problems During Urination
  • Diarrhea or Constipation


The diagnosis is confirmed with an ultrasound analysis of abdominal inflammation, urinary tract infection and blood test. Surgical interventions are the best methods of treatments for Appendicitis. Antibiotic treatment and immediate surgery are planned in cases when a rupture of the infected appendix takes place.

Medical practitioners may also clear out the ruptured infections using a tube and clearing accumulated pus.