Winter brings festivities, but it’s not a good time for your skin.Moisturizers For Dry Skin

The nip in the air can make your skin dry up faster and aggravate skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis.

If you are wondering why your skin is not able to retain any amount of hydration, even after dabbing it with a lot of moisturizers, it’s time to try your own homemade natural moisturizers that are easy to make at home.

We bring you some easy-to-make and use moisturizers that keep your skin hydrated for longer hours.

Natural Oil Moisturizer


½ cup jojoba oil

½ tsp hempseed oil

6 drops of essential oil of your choice


In a glass bowl or jar, mix jojoba oil with hempseed oil and essential oils like lavender, rosemary, peppermint or rose.

Give it a good mix and gently massage it on the face.

How It Works:

Jojoba oil leaves a soothing effect on the skin, while hempseed and essential oils help in overall healing, especially on dry skin.

Aloe Vera Moisturizer


½ cup aloe vera gel

10 tsps beeswax

50 ml coconut oil

50 ml almond oil

Few drops of essential oil of your choice


Melt beeswax, along with coconut oil and almond oil in a double boiler. You can also microwave it for a minute. Let it cool.

Add aloe vera gel, essential oil to the mixture and blend it till you get creamy texture.

Store in a glass jar.

How It Works:

Aloe Vera works wonders in healing inflammation, itchiness and dry skin. Beeswax when blended with oils keeps skin moisturized and prevent skin infections.

Honey and Glycerin Moisturizer


1 tsp honey

2 tsp glycerin

1 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp green tea extract


In a glass bowl, mix all the ingredients till they blend.

Massage it gently on the face and leave it for 30 minutes.

Wash with lukewarm water.

How It Works:

Glycerin and honey can keep skin hydrated for longer hours, while lemon and green tea extract give an instant glow and help in fighting skin infections.