Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a psychological condition whereby a person consumes excessive alcoholic beverages.Alcohol Addiction

Although psychological and behavioral factors are also responsible for contributing to this condition; genetics, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic conditions can also lead to alcohol addiction.

These factors affect the brain and neurochemistry of the person leading to uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. This frequency varies from person to person i.e. some may drink heavily all day or may only perform the given task after consumption of alcohol.

However, people who are unable to stay sober for an extended period in severe cases are considered as addicts.

Alcohol is widely available and acceptable in various cultures and may even be part of lifestyle for many people. Some of the common signs and symptoms may include, increased frequency of alcohol use, increased alcohol tolerance, inappropriate drinking times like drinking in the morning or at workplace, urge to be around places serving alcohol and avoiding the ones with no alcohol, changing friend circle and getting involved with heavy drinkers, avoiding loved ones leading to loneliness, depression and lethargy, anger whilst consuming alcohol, irritability while not consuming alcohol.

Alcoholism not only impacts the personal life of the person, but also impacts the people around. Reduced communication with family members and loss of friends are few major impacts caused due to alcoholism.


Treatment for alcoholism can be difficult and challenging. Rehabilitation therapies, support groups, drug-based therapy, counseling, and nutritional changes are some of the common available options.