Midterm school breaks are here and it’s time for the children to enjoy their mini vacation. While school holidays are fun and provide more time for family bonding, children also complain of sheer boredom and that may lead them to grab that extra screen time or unhealthy snacking.

Girl doing artwork

And, if you are worried on how to engage your child productively and divert their attention from gadgets, internet and television and binging on the junk food, read on.

Art and Puzzles: Loads of interesting puzzles and new sketching, colouring techniques, art activities like Origami etc., are available online. Download activity sheets and encourage your kid to try out new puzzles and crack it. Colouring, learning various styles of sketching and painting and trying art works are immensely fun and challenging activities that can keep your kid engaged for longer hours.

Little Chefs: The younger generation is showing a marked interest in cooking, thanks to the shows like MasterChef Juniors. If your child wants to try a hand in the kitchen, allow it by all means. Teach your kid how toss up a salad, make their own sandwich or prepare a cup of milk for themselves. Cooking together with kids is also an ideal time to introduce them to healthy foods.

Festive Ready: The major festive season in India is all set to begin with Dasara and Diwali. If you are planning to keep a golu (a display of toys) for Dasara, ask the kid to repaint the old toys, make their own toys, paint earthen diyas with colours and murals etc., for Diwali and be ready for the festivals.

Room Makeover: Mid-term breaks are an ideal time to set the house clean and right. Involve your child in fixing up their room, plan upcycling projects like wall art with home-made stencils, converting old jeans that they have outgrown into shorts. You can also help your child experience the joy of giving by donating old toys to a charity.

Gardening: Growing a small garden in a small space could be a challenge but it teaches the importance of Mother Nature, organic foods and greenery to the young children. Ask your child to plan some space for kitchen garden or a corner in the balcony for growing few greens, green chillies, basil etc.,