Parenting is the most underestimated skill, that often comes with only one rule –  how to keep your child happy and healthy all the time!Parenting Myths

Look around, there are countless number of parenting tips up for grabs for you - sometimes very confusing and frustrating.

If you are one of those parents, who believe in having your own space and giving kids their own freedom, read on to know more about the myths and the facts that would bust long believed rules with regards to parenting.


Sugar Makes Children Hyper


Not at all. Many parents restrict their children from eating sugary stuff, especially in the evenings as they believe it would make them go cranky and hyper. However, till date there is no scientific evidence to support this belief. In fact, eating favourite food excites a child and may lead to burst of energy. If you are observing a constant hyper activity with your child, talk to your doctor to find the exact reason, instead of just blaming it on the sugars.


The ‘Twos’ Are Terrible


The terrible ‘twos’ is a favourite usage by many parents if they want to complain about their toddler. If you find your child throwing more tantrums, argumentative, stubborn, it means that the child is leaning towards find more independence and asserting individuality. Pediatricians believe that a child tends to establish his or her own identity by 18 months of age and they continue doing it as they grow, so don’t treat this as a rebellion. It could be a challenging time but look at the positive side that your child is growing!


Don’t Ever Bribe A Child


If elders in your family cautioned you against bribing the child, they may be partially right. Try some healthy negotiation instead. So, if your child listens to you 98 per cent of the time, there is no harm in negotiating with them for good behavior at least 2 per cent of the time especially while in public. However, do not make this a habit. Children should eventually learn that good behavior is expected of them, and they don’t need to be rewarded for it.


Respond Firmly To Bad Behaviour


Responding to bad behavior in an angry tone with a firm hand will not work all the time. Remember, that children can change and adapt very quickly. If you want to tackle a tough situation, talk to the child first. Take stock of situation, mood swings and other factors in to consideration before planning the course of action. If you still want to ground the child, explain what led to the punishment.


Always Be Around Your Child


If you are following your child like a shadow, stop it right now. Being overprotective does more harm than good as the child tends to become more fearful, less confident which may affect their overall behavior. Instead, teach your child on how to take care of themselves, how to handle strangers and to take own decisions depending on the situation.